Growing up I wouldn’t mind helping out around the house, but I never had a passion to learn – that was until I moved out of the house.  Now that I have been on my own for a few years I have discovered a love for cooking, part of it can be attributed to my love of eating.  There is something about putting things together and making something great.

So this New Year my boyfriend and I decided there would be no better way to practice and perfect our cooking skills than to make a new meal each week together.  Along with that we have started going to cooking/technique classes every Sunday, then that night we make something together.

While I have more practice than Drew, who says his signature meal for our kids one day will be mac n’ cheese with tuna, this is just as necessary for me.  If my parents get the chance they will share with everyone the time when I put frozen pancakes in the microwave for 12 minutes. (Yes, they did melt a hole through the green plastic plate).  But I swear to this day the box said 12 minutes!

So along the way I’ve learned no pancakes in the microwave for 12 minutes, no pans in the microwave, extra flower when baking – well see what else I learn and make on this journey.

Bon Appetit!