Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie as Drew likes to refer to it every time we eat it!  Two weeks ago the meal of choice was chicken pot pie, however, we put our own spin on the recipe.  Instead of going for the pie crust, pie pan, fancy crust edges, we decided to go with biscuits.

I’ll be honest this wasn’t the most successful recipe to date, but it was a great recipe to learn and know what to do for the future.  We decided to pick out a few veggies: celery, corn, green beans, carrots, and broccoli.  You can pick anything you like, this is the benefit of making your own.  I don’t like peas, so peas were a no go where normally they are always in chicken pot pie.  This is also where we first went wrong – we decided to blanch some of the veggies where we should of instead sauteed or boiled a few to make them softer before cooking the pot pie.  Some of the veggies came out a bit crunchy.

The sauce that we mixed chicken and veggies in with was quite simple – 1 cup chicken broth and 1 can of cream of chicken broth.  Real easy and all you needed to add was a little pepper, the amount can be decided depending on how much of a kick you would like.

After mixing all the veggies and sauce we layered biscuits on top, however, we decided next time it would be best to cook the biscuits separately.  By layering the biscuits on top it was cause for the underside of the biscuits to not cook fully.

The dish over all was great, even with a few flaws, but it also provided a challenge for us to learn for future dishes.  Its chances like this where simple things can make a big differences.  Once perfecting the small things we can move on to bigger dishes.

Chicken pot pie was a great little dish from home as well as a learning lesson.

Bon appétit!